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A avic My Urchin

A avic My Urchin

I was being supervised while selecting her a cricket, she darted out and calmly sat waiting. Such a brat.

Very well done! Trust me when I tell you I am SO stealing your idea :) How old is your little beauty now? Has she reached juvie stage yet?

Thank you so much for sharing all of this!! :)
Urchin is a whopping 3" now dls, so yes, well into juvie stage. she is doing well and I'm ok with slow growth ^^
I'm horrid at sexing but they say she is indeed a she which pleases me as it means I'll have her that much longer.
And by all means steal away, I use what I can and make it work, if it helps others then so much the better :)

Thanks so much. She really is pretty. And, from what I scavenged off the internet, this is one of the few species that are NOT able to throw their hairs, they have to actually press them into you, or a victim. Which is cool. Been the recipient of my LP's hairs one too many times, itches so bad it put me off handling any of my T's from now on. Thinking of also maybe a B boehmei (Mexican Fire Leg). They are pretty hardy and very pretty. Should round out my collection. Had contemplated an OBT, but, I like my fingers as they are :) Evil little things :)
They supposedly cannot, but she leaves them around her enclosure here and there as when I rehoused her I had a very slight itch for a few minutes.
A.versicolor on the other hand can,
My avic can and does still flick those back legs as if she is able to fling them. She did it at me continually when I first got her, she also stayed in that little scared huddle where it looks like they are hiding their heads. She is calm now and never flicks or threatens. Except for the Dubia roachs lol But I think the dubia just don't please Urchin, she will come down off the wall just to kick at them then scurry back up as if to gloat a little.
I love all the Brachypelma sp. I am still building my collection but want a smithi, boehmei and desperately want a nice female klaasi.

I, too, am hoping for a boehmei! And an A avic now, too, thank you very much! lol Some get used to the flavor of one food and can't abide anything new. Not that they'd starve if that was all that's offered, however, being as I've never personally sampled either a cricket or a Dubia, I'll just trust they know what they want lol
Good luck in your expansion of your hobby. You seem a confident and caring guardian to these little critters. If I could bear keeping them in shoe boxes I'd probably have more, but the Bohemian hippy in me just can't allow for that. Unless it's really detrimental to the critter. Then I bow to nature vs. nurture and cut down on size and decor :)
I honestly think You'll be pleased with an A avic. These enclosures are their temp. homes, her next move will be to a permanent enclosure, Sometime after her next molt. I am debating making her a nice octagonal one, I want to create each of them one to fit their specific needs as they grow. (acrylic naturally)
:) wish me luck on that one. Going to be a chore I think to get angles right lol

A chore indeed, but one I think you are going to have a ball with :) You must promise to post pics of your progress!!! So much fun. If everyone in the world took more time getting to know and care for "scary" stuff like harmless little T's, then maybe they could take their minds off of "scary" stuff like how much someone hates and wants to kill someone else...

hugs K (and Urchin) :)

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