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Worried about my Heteropoda venatoria


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member

I am worried about Victory as he has recently got really skinny (compared to what he was) and I am concerned he is struggling to eat. He has ignored the red runner I put in there, then I have tried a mealworm then lots of beanweevils. Are his pedipalps deformed or is that what mature male huntsmen look like? I had hoped he would be female of course, but am wondering now whether that action he is doing is loading the pedipalps? I've no idea whether they do that in a similar way as tarantulas?

It is hard to see here, but after the last moult the ends of some of his legs also look bent in a weird way. He was named Victory as the first 2 babies I got of this species arrived dead (Victor and Victoria - I buried them in the woods near the stream). The shop sent me another and I decided if he survived he would be called Victory. Hence I am especially attached to him.



Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Yes thats normal its a mature male. It does look like palp-loading to me.

For these guys a vertical surface is best. A small slab of stone or cork that lets them stretch out their limbs makes them happier and assists with molting. This species has a rather short lifespan too so hell need a girl asap.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Yes thats normal its a mature male. It does look like palp-loading to me.

For these guys a vertical surface is best. A small slab of stone or cork that lets them stretch out their limbs makes them happier and assists with molting. This species has a rather short lifespan too so hell need a girl asap.

Thanks so much! I keep meaning to move him to a bigger enclosure - will get that done today with a much bigger/higher cork bark for him to spread out on. Good to know for if I get more in future, maybe I can help them moult better by providing that sooner.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I always wanted some heteropoda but they are just too crazy for me lol. Especially venetoria.

You'd probably really like davidbowie, they're the more laid-back heteropoda species, they hide in plain sight pretending to be a cluster of stinging caterpillars to deter mammals and birds.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I always wanted some heteropoda but they are just too crazy for me lol. Especially venetoria.

You'd probably really like davidbowie, they're the more laid-back heteropoda species, they hide in plain sight pretending to be a cluster of stinging caterpillars to deter mammals and birds.

Haha, I love their crazyness :p I rehoused him in the bath (plug in, door closed) just in case. However it was very anti-climatic as he was sat inside the old cork bark so I just added it alongside the bigger bark, and no drama ensued!

Thanks, the david bowie is on my wish list! I didn't realise that's what their fluffyness is trying to replicate, caterpillars :D I also have a heterpoda javana called Lorax :)

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