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Very Concerned about my T. Albo. Wobbly Movements.


New Member
I’m sorry if this post sounds confusing. I’m very worried. A few days ago, I found my tarantula standing on her tip toes- this was a whole day after her second feeding. (she had a small mealworm and a larger dubia roach. Her abdomen got very very skinny after molt and I was worried) Her previous feeding was a horn worm because it was the first feeding after her molt. I figured she’d want something with lots of hydration.

Anyways- I thought it was weird that she was still on her tip toes 24 hours after and I read that they can do that when they are uncomfortable with their soil due to mites or any other parasite. I checked to see if anything of that was present and I didn’t spot any. She continued doing it, so I thought I’ll just change the soil. Even after so, she continued. The soil beforehand was a lil moist (like ground soil) , so the coco fibre i put in now was dryer. I overfilled the water bowl and very gently misted the corner around it to help humidity and dampen the soil next to it. A little bit passes and she’s acting semi normal. out of her tip toe stance and just relaxing. she even webbed. Woke up today to her walking wobbly, moving her legs in front of her mouth, and what looks like she’s rubbing the side of her butt with her leg. She’s crawling everywhere, even the side of her container which is abnormal for her. she doesn’t spend time on it, but she does crawl against it. was afraid maybe I misgendered her and she’s a mature male. I also have to refill her water bowl daily because I find it empty with more and more dirt in it. I can’t tell if she’s drinking it or something else. I’m going to post a picture of her molt, her enclosure (which i’m afraid that after her molt it seems too small? So i was going to get a bigger one) a video of said movements, and her normally. Apologies if her abdomen seems thin- she lost a good amount of weight in her molt and it’s been difficult fattening her up. To reiterate this all happened after feeding her last meal, the dubia roach. I am so afraid if it’s something awful, or that i caused it by being a bad owner.


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Tuesday, July 28th !
I can see a video? But from the pictures she doesn't look unduly thin?
Tarantulas do all sorts of movements and stretching after a moult and being an albo I'd expect her to dump sub in her water dish..
It just sounds like she doing normal tarantula things and sounds more active now she has moulted... Before the moult she would have been very inactive and maybe even sluggish so now you are seeing her normal behaviour instead of her premoult behaviour -
Also it sounds like she's feeding well which is a good sign :) I don't think you have any cause for concern from what I can see?


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i can upload the video on a platform if it could help ! Reading your big reply makes me less nervous but still for the sake of it I would want it to be seen by you
You can try uploading again if you want that's not a problem :) happy to help you if I can in anyway :)


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She looks fine to me in the video - she's doing a bit of a 'happy dance' and some grooming.. Just a tarantula doing tarantula things:)
Get used to her chucking sub in her dish they seem to love doing it lol
Any other questions please ask but I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about :)


New Member
She looks fine to me in the video - she's doing a bit of a 'happy dance' and some grooming.. Just a tarantula doing tarantula things:)
Get used to her chucking sub in her dish they seem to love doing it lol
Any other questions please ask but I can assure you that you have nothing to worry about :)
oh my gosh! my brain goes into worrywart mode so quickly. thank you so much, you have no idea how much you calmed me down !! here i am thinking she’s real hurt and she’s just like yup dirt LOL


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3 Year Member
Nice to see that your worries are now solved.
Don't feel too bad about going all worrywart quickly - It's absolutely normal especially when starting the hobby :D Tarantulas are so different from cats, dogs etc that it may take some time to realize and believe that several weird "sympoms" are just tarantula doing tarantula things ;)