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My New Tarantul just hides in the corner with his legs over his head instead of using the hide i gave him


New Member
United Kingdom
The Tarantula is a juvenile Chaco Golden Knee (about 5cm Diagonal leg span) Ive had him for around 5 days now but during the day he sits in the corner with his legs over his head and doesn't use his hide, I read that the pose he's doing they do when stressed and I want to make him as comfortable as possible. Is this normal behaviour or do I need to change his Hide to create less stress for him?
I've never kept this species so hopefully someone with experience keeping them can tell you more.
It can take some time for it to get settled in.
Just keep a water dish filled and give it some time. I've had spider's that took two weeks to start setting up home.
Pictures of the enclosure might help to provide some insight. Like I said I don't keep them or hardly any new world species all I keep is Asian old world so I'm just giving general knowledge as to spider's in general behavior.


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The Tarantula is a juvenile Chaco Golden Knee (about 5cm Diagonal leg span) Ive had him for around 5 days now but during the day he sits in the corner with his legs over his head and doesn't use his hide, I read that the pose he's doing they do when stressed and I want to make him as comfortable as possible. Is this normal behaviour or do I need to change his Hide to create less stress for him?
I’d wait a few more day’s, as it takes time for tarantulas to settle in.

Just in case it’s something else, what are the conditions of the enclosure? G. pulchripes prefer the substrate to be on the dry side.


New Member
United Kingdom

@PanzoN88 @I just need all the T's This is his enclosure and he's currently hiding behind one of the fake plants really tucked under it. thanks for both of your replies too :)


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3 Year Member
Enclosure looks good.
You can tuck some moss or a fake plant in some of the burrow entrance to reduce the size of it as it may not take to the hide for quite a while if it feels its too large for it and it feels exposed.Some of my New world terrestrials took 6 months to an year to utilise their hides.Some sub adult or adults never did at all.
Grammostola pulchripes is a buldoser once it settle in it will remodel it home as it needs in time when settled in.Also they a bit shy until they put some size (3.5-4 inch) so don't worry too much.
Your spider will do exactly as it pleases so do not overthink it too much you deem to do a good job caring for your pet.
Regards Konstantin


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G. Pulchripes was my first T and she is my favorite. Konstantin is spot on, as usual.

Many Ts have an adjustment period in a new enclosure. Sometimes they cling to a wall for days.

The hide may too big for the Ts comfort as Konstantin indicated. You could try to fill it in a bit, but I would just let nature take its course.

Do give your T some space and quiet time particularly during the adjustment period.

My Chaco Golden Knee was an excavator and at one point completely overturned her cork bark hide. She bulldozed pieces of wood and charcoal to one area in her enclosure.

Real fun gal.