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I Think I have gone T crazy!!!!!


New Member
3 Year Member
So as of today...(well more like as im typing this because who knows what will happen later today when I go to http://reptileoutlet.webs.com/ to pick up my crickets) I now have 19 Ts!!!! So the new additions are...

*Habanera- Brachypelma boehmei or Mexican Fire-leg
*Agent Orange- Pterinochilus murinus or Orange baboon tarantula "OBT"
*Yet to be named -Adult female Avicularia avicularia or Pinktoe tarantula
*Tequila Rose-Adult female Grammostola rosea or Rose-hair
*Captain Morgan-Adult male Grammostola rosea or Rose-hair Red color form "RCF"
*Toothless -Grammastola pulchra or Brazilian black
*Yet to be named but thinking "Darla Sherman" -Avicularia sp Amazonica
*Yet to be named -Brachypelma smithi or Mexican Red-knee
*Yet to be named- Adult female Euathlus sp pulcherrimaklaasi or Blue/Green femur beauty
*Yet to be named- Adult male Euathlus sp pulcherrimaklaasi or Blue/Green femur beauty
*Kutulu- Poecilotheria Metallica or Gooty sapphire ornamental

and of course I still have my others that helped start this addiction

*Hpnotiq - Avicularia azuraklaasi or powder blue pinktoe
* Chicha - Avicularia urticans or Peruvian Purple
* Martini - Avicularia versicolor or Martinique pinktoe
* Mudslide - Grammostola pulchripes or Chaco golden knee
* Chaka - Grammostola pulchripes or Chaco golden knee
* Wildfire - Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens or Green bottle blue "GBB"
* Mr. Snuffleupagus / "Snuffy" - Brachypelma albopilosum or Curly Hair/wooly Tarantula
* Sprocket - my adult male Grammostola rosea or Rose-hair


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
19 sure is a heck of a lot of tarantulas! you must be very busy!


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
wow that sounds like a great collection you have. i have got fourteen t's now and everytime i go to buy food i think "one more wont hurt"


New Member
3 Year Member
I know that feeling. I have 14 and I already have my eye on two more that I HAVE to have. I don't handle unless I really have to. Each species has their own personality and habits that I enjoy observing. Most of mine are New World. Four are Old World.
Love these little guys.

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