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I have high protein dog food. Is this good to include in my roach show for red runners?

Casey K.

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
That's a good question. I've heard of folks using dog food for some of their roaches but I've never done it, myself.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
Personally I use dry dog food for my roaches. I have Pallid, Dubia & two different species of giant. But I soak the dry food in boiling water for 5 minutes plus, first & then serve a few lumps on a small piece of tin foil as moist food.

The main food I feed is porridge, with some flaked fish food over it. Mine love flaked fish food, I then also give fresh fruit of veg too. Bananas I find go black & mushy too quickly. Cucumber turns to liquid, which makes a mess. But apples, oranges (minus the peel,) lettuce, cabbage, celery leaves & potatoes all get eaten & keep the alternate day check & top up easy.

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