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I finally found my ultimate dream car


Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Baltimore MD
I tried and failed to restore a 1970 Cougar in my 20s because I ran out of money. I've searched for years to find one that wasn't a rolling disaster or a "ship in a bottle". It seems that they are either worth 55 cents or $55,000. I found, at last, a daily driver at a reasonable price that best of all has already been sorted out. I do NOT want to pay for numbers matching, just safe and reliable as well as fun to drive.

Gorgeous disaster #2 coming up.....

I'm having one of the inspectors research it. I'm in Baltimore and I have to fly out to Iowa to get it. I've talked to the people there and they seem to be honest. They are sure that I can drive the car to Baltimore without issues since it was driven to them directly from California.

Due to resentments arising from my first restoration, I'm not even going to mention this to my family.

Yes, the tarantulas are doing great & no I'm not selling them to pay for the car, which is $18,000.

Stay tuned. It'll be an adventure.


Staff member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Norwich, UK
I have just been looking up Cougar on Google. I found Mercury Cougar, a Ford vehicle & some used a Gran Toreno chassis. They look nice. I love classic vehicles be they motorbikes, cars, trucks or buses.

Enjoy & I hope it is everything you want. I have a 1959 motorbike & get a lot of pleasure from it.