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T seledonia

T seledonia

Just had to snap this little beauty ♡
Beautiful! Are they really as finicky to keep as I’ve heard?
I must admit l, even after keeping Ts for 30 years, I was worried about this species. Had seen people using tiny fans for extra ventilation and all sorts of other care requirements like pre drilling cork to start the hide etc. The set up I have is a piece of cork with the yellow thingies that grow on it (I forget the name) that they use to build a hide. Cheeky sod didn't use any of my pre drilled holes I made to make its 'trap door' I have lots of ventilation holes in the tall acrylic tub, water dish (obvs) and what I would say is a lot more misting than the other Ts I have. Apart from that, nothing else is really different. Been kept this way for 7 months now and seems to be doing really well.
Are those yellow thingies called lichen or something else?
I'd love one, the price seems to be coming down now, so maybe one day I'll place that order.
To me, they are the most beautiful spider on the planet.
Are those yellow thingies called lichen or something else?
I'd love one, the price seems to be coming down now, so maybe one day I'll place that order.
To me, they are the most beautiful spider on the planet.
yep lichen I tried typing that but a teopicalnfruit came up (lychee....ha ha)
The spidershop had them half price in Dec (£75)

Media information

Phil's Ts in 2020
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Image metadata

samsung SM-A705FN
Focal length
3.9 mm
Exposure time
1/333 second(s)
File size
3.2 MB
Date taken
Sat, 04 January 2020 11:26 AM
2255px x 3006px

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