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US WANTED: Inverts, Reptiles, and pet supplies that we are looking for...


Active Member
3 Year Member
Updated: 12/09/24
*** WANTED ASAP for breeding projects ***:

0.2 Brachypelma auratum, CB females 5"+
0.2 Brachypelma emilia , 4.25"+ adult females ready to breed (last molt is no more than 4 months ago)
1.0 Brachypelma emilia , CB mature male (not over 4 months from maturing molt).
1.0 Brachypelma hamorii , CB mature male (not over 4 months from maturing molt).
0.1 Chilobrachys natanicharum, CB 6"+ female post-molt less than 4 months
0.2 Lampropelma carpenteri "Sulawesi Giant Black Earth Tiger", 2"+ females
1.0 Lasiodora klugi (ONLY the real klugi) - mature male (no more than 4 months post maturity).
1.0 Lasiodora parahybana -mature male (no more than 4 months post maturity).
2.0 Ornithoctonus sp. "Ranong Blue-violet Earth Tiger" - recently mature male (no more than 4 months post maturity).
1.0 Pamphobeteus affinis II nigricolor (Colombia) - 3"-5" sub-adult male
0.2 Pamphobeteus cf. antinous "Peruvian Big Black" - 4"+ female
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. "cascada" (Ecuador), CB 6"+ female
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. "chinche" penultimate male or recently mature male (no more than 4 months post maturity).
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. "esmeraldas" (Ecuador) -penultimate male or recently mature male (no more than 4 months post maturity).
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. "flammifera" (Ecuador} - penultimate male
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. "manganerga" (Ecuador), CB 4"-4.5" male
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. "manganerga" (Ecuador), CB 5.5"+ female
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. "mascara" (Ecuador) "light form or rose form"preferred. - recently mature male (no more than 4 months post maturity).
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. “manganegra” (Ecuador), 3"-4" male sub-adult
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. "paisa" - recently mature male (no more than 4 months post maturity).
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. "playtomma" (Ecuador), recently mature male (no more than 4 months post maturity).
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. "Peruvian Giant Backfire" (ex P. "petersi") - recently mature male (no more than 4 months post maturity).

*** 0.2 Pamphobeteus sp. "solaris", CB 6"+ females ***
1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. "solaris",
CB mature male (not over 4 months from maturing molt).

1.0 Pamphobeteus sp. "tigris" (Ecuador) - sub-adult male 4"-5"

1.0 Pamphobeteus insignis (Colombia), CB mature male (not over 4 months from maturing molt).
0.1 Pamphobeteus ornatus, adult female 6+

*** 0.2 Pamphobeteus ultramarinus, CB adult females 5"+

1.0 Phormictopus sp. “Green Femur/Gold Carapace” - penultimate male or recently mature male (no more than 4 months post maturity).
0.2 Phormictopus sp. "Full Green", CB 3"+ females
0.2 Poecilotheria miranda:
CB 4.5"+ females
0.2 Xenesthis immanis: lica: CB penultimate male2
0.1 Xenesthis sp. "megascopula", female 6"+
1.0 Xenesthis sp. "Blue", penultimate male
1.0 Xenesthis sp. "bright", CB 3"-5" sub-adult male
0.1 Xenesthis sp. “tenebris” - CB 6"+ female
0.2 Xenesthis immanis: CB 6 "+ females

1.0 Parabuthus villosus "oranje", sub-adult or adult male

0.1 Morelia azurea pulcher "Green Tree Python" (Sorong type) - Healthy CB sub-adult 4'+ /adult, female "high blue"

1.0 Uromastyx aegyptia
- male 14"-16"+
0.1 Uromastyx o. ornata - sub-adult female
0.2 Uromastyx ocellata - adult females

• Augacephalus spp. -
spiderlings, pairs, females
• Avicualria cf. avicularia morphotype 2 (Tucurui Pinktoe) - spiderlings, pairs, females
• Avicularia avicularia {Morphotype # 3) "geroldi" - spiderlings, pairs, females 2.5"+
• Avicularia braunshauseni - spiderlings, pairs, females 2.5"+
• Avicularia minatrix - spiderlings, pairs, females 2.5"+
• Avicularia variegata (ex - Avicularia sp. "Amazonica") {Morphotype 1, Manaus locality}, spiderlings, pairs, females 2"+
• Brachypelma emilia - CB sub-adult/adult females
r• Caribena (old genus: Avicularia) versicolor "Antilles Pinktoe" (normal coloration), sub-adult/penultimate male, mature male, females
• Caribena (old genus: Avicularia) versicolor "Antilles Pinktoe" (RED variant), spiderlings, pairs, females
• Chilobrachys sp. "Tropical blue" (Thailand), spiderlings, pairs, females
• Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens - CB pairs, females
• Grammostola sp. "Conception" - juveniles pairs, females
• Hapalopus sp. "Colombian Pumpkin patch" (large morph), - juveniles pairs, females
• Hapalopus sp. "Colombian Pumpkin patch" (small morph), - juveniles pairs, females
Hapalopus sp. "Colombian Fire patch” - spiderlings, pairs, females
• Haplopelma doriae - spiderlings, pairs, females
Homoeomma chilensis (ex.- Euathlus sp. "red") - juveniles pairs, females
• Hysterocrates spp. (only from Nigeria) with thin, short legs 4 and large oval carapace - spiderlings, pairs, females
• Lampropelma carpenteri "Sulawesi Giant Black Earth Tiger" - spiderlings, pairs, females
• Lasiodora klugi (ONLY the real klugi) - spiderlings, pairs, females
Omothymus spp. (ex. Cyriopagopus) schioedtei, O. thorelli , violaceopes, sp. "Sumatran Earth Tiger", sp. "valhalla" - spiderlings, pairs, females
• Orphnaecus dichromatus - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Ornithoctoninae sp. Hon-Sej - spiderlings, pairs, females
Ornithoctoninae sp. “Nhen Dep” (Vietnam) - unsexed spiderlings, pairs, females
• Ornithoctoninae sp. “Phan Cay" (Vietnam) - unsexed spiderlings, pairs, females
• Ornithoctoninae sp. "Phan Cay Blue" - unsexed spiderlings, pairs, females
• Ornithoctoninae sp. “Phan Cay" RED (Vietnam) - spiderlings, pairs, females
• Ornithoctonus sp. "Ranong Blue-violet Earth Tiger" - adult females, mature or penultimate male

* Pamphobeteus spp. - unsexed spiderlings, pairs, females

• Pamphobeteus affinis II nigricolor (Colombia)
- spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus cf. antinous “Chicken Spider” (SE Peru), spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
1.0 Pamphobeteus cf. "antinous" "Peruvian Big Black" - sub-adult/penultimate male
0.2 Pamphobeteus cf. "insignis" (Ecuador), (Xmas pattern on spiderlings), females over 5"+
• Pamphobeteus cf. "nigricolor" (Ecuadorian form); spiderlings have the Xmas pattern)- spiderlings, pairs, females 2"+, penultimate male
0.2 Pamphobeteus sp. "aquatica" {Colombia}, 5"+ females
• Pamphobeteus sp. "cascada" {Ecuador} - spiderlings, pairs, 3"-4" male, 5+" females
• Pamphobeteus sp. "chinche" - spiderlings, pairs, females over 5"+
• Pamphobeteus sp. "costa" {Ecuador}, spiderlings, pairs, penultimate male, females over 5"+
• Pamphobeteus sp. "duran" - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+, penultimate male
• Pamphobeteus sp. "esmeraldas" (Ecuador), spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+, sub-adult male, penultimate male
0.1 Pamphobeteus sp. "flammifera" (Ecuador}, 5"+ female
• Pamphobeteus sp. "hexa", - spiderlings, pairs, females
• Pamphobeteus sp. "light" - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus sp. "magna" (Ecuador) - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus sp. "manabi" {Ecuador}, - spiderlings, male juveniles to penultimate, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus sp. “manganegra” (Ecuador)-spiderlings, pairs, females over 4"+
• Pamphobeteus sp. "mascara" (Ecuador), - spiderlings, pairs, females
0.2 Pamphobeteus sp. "paisa"(Colombia), spiderlings, pairs, females, 2"-4.5" male
Pamphobeteus sp. "Peruvian Giant Backfire" (ex - P. "petersi") - spiderlings, pairs, male penultimate, females over 2"+
Pamphobeteus sp. "platyomma" (Ecuador) - spiderlings, females, penultimate male
Pamphobeteus sp. "red" (Ecuador, NEW in 2024) - spiderlings, pairs, females
• Pamphobeteus sp. "Santo Domingo Goliath" (Ecuador), spiderlings, pairs, females
Pamphobeteus sp. "solaris" - spiderlings, pairs, females, males 2"-4"
• Pamphobeteus sp. "tigris", - spiderlings, male juveniles to sub-adult, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus sp. "volcano", spiderlings, male juveniles to penultimate, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus sp. "zaruma" - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus amazonas - CB spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus angusti - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus crassifemur - CB spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus ferox {Colombia} - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus fortis {Colombian form}, spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus fortis (light brown/Peru hobby form), spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus gangotenai (Ecuador) - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus grandis - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus insignis {Colombia} (no Xmas pattern in the spiderlings) - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus jamacoaque (Ecuador) - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus lasjuntas (Ecuador) - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus matildeae (Ecuador)- spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus nigricolor (Colombia form); spiderlings lack Xmas pattern) - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
Pamphobeteus ornatus - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
Pamphobeteus skis (Ecuador) - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
Pamphobeteus ultramarinus - all sizes/sexes
• Pamphobeteus verdolaga - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Pamphobeteus vespertinus - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Phormictopus sp. "blue" - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Phormictopus sp. "Dominican Republic Purple" - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Phormictopus sp. "green femur/gold carapace" - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Phormictopus sp. "full green" - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
Phormictopus sp. "Santa Catalina" - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Phormictopus atrichromatus - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Phormingochilus spp. (P. "Sabah Blue", P. "Sabah Red", P.. "Akcaya", P. everetti, P. pennellhewlettorum, and P. tigrinus) - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Poecilotheria miranda - spiderlings, pairs, females
• Selenocosmiinae sp. "Palawan Blonde" - spiderlings, pairs, females
• Theraphosidae sp. Yasuni (Ecuador's Crowned Tarantula)- CB spiderlings, pairs, females

* Xenesthis spp. - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Xenesthis sp. “Blue” - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Xenesthis sp. “Bright” - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Xenesthis sp. "light" - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Xenesthis sp. "megascopula", -spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
Xenesthis sp. megaseta - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Xenesthis sp. “tenebris” - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Xenesthis sp. "white" - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Xenesthis sp. "white" (lowland form) - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Xenesthis immanis, spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+, sub-adult/penultimate male
• Xenesthis intermedia - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+
• Xenesthis monstrosa - spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+

Primitive spiders:
• Sphodros rufipes "Red-legged Purse web" - pairs, gravid females
• Liphistius malayanus - CB spiderlings, pairs, females over 2"+

• Androctonus crassicauda
(ONLY Real A. crassicauda, not any A. bicolor) - any size/sex, especially need 2 males
• Heterometrus longimanus (ONLY REAL longimanus) - any size/sex
• Heterometrus spinifer (Malaysia) {ONLY REAL spinifer}- adult females
• Gigantometrus swammerdami (ex- Heterometrus swammerdami) - any size/sex
• Javanimetrus cyaneus (ex- Heterometrus cyaneus) "Java Blue Forest Scorpion" - any size/sex
• Parabuthus spp. - any size/sex
2.0 Parabuthus villosus "oranje", adult male
• Tityus carolineae, T. asthenes, T. crassicauda, T. Tityus fasciolatus, T. metuendus, T. obscurus- any size/sex

Tailless Whip Scorpions:
• Heterophrynus spp.
- any size/sex

True spiders:
• Argiope aurantia and A. trifasciata gravid females OR fertile/viable egg sacs
(need 50+ of each species Sep. - Nov.)
Latrodectus spp. (non-U.S. species,L. corallinus, L. elegans, L. menavodi, L. pallidus, L, variolus, L tredecimguttatus, L. hasselti, and other colorful species), ONLY 3rd-4th instar/well-started spiderlings, pairs, adults
• Loxosceles reclusa "Brown Widow", sub-adults/adults

Centipedes: (any sizes/sex)
• Scolopendra sp. "Buton Black" (possible Sulawesi variant)
• Scolopendra sp. "Giant White Beard"
• Scolopendra heros (heros heros, blotched, banded, and arizonensis forms)
• Scolopendra dehaani "Malaysian Jewel"
• Scolopendra dehaani "Malaysian Cherry Red"
• Scolopendra dehaani "Red Dragon" or "Thai Dragon"
• Scolopendra galapagoensis "dark morph", "robusta", "orange", "orange-banded"
• Scolopendra hainanum "Chinese Tiger Leg"
• Scolopendra hardwickei - CB only
• Scolopendra sp. "Hispaniola Red Giant”
• Scolopendra cf. gigantea "Peruvian Giant" ("white-legged morph")
• Scolopendra gigantea, morphoytype #1 and # 2 (Northern South America)
• Scolopendra piecoflava “honeybee morph” (locality: “Toraja,Sulawesi)
• Scolopendra piecoflava “dark morph” (locality: Central Sulawesi)
• Scolopendra piecoflava “red morph”(locality: Sulawesi)
• Scolopendra subspinipes "Mint-legged"
• Scolopendra viridicornis “nigra”

• Hymenopus coronatus
- CB babies, females, pairs

• Auturus evides
"Ozark Woodland Flat Millipede"
• Desmoxytes spp. "Dragon Millipede"
• Pararhachistes potosinus "Mexican Blue Cloud Forest" - Captive-born stock only.
• Atopochetus (ex. Tonkinbolus) dolfusi "Vietnamese Rainbow"

Roaches: LARGE numbers of feeder roach species like orange-heads, death's heads, giant cave, dubia, red runners/turkestan, and discoids. I'm looking for hundreds of the above.

• Anolis carolinensi (blue Axanthic) - any size/sex
• Anolis conspersus "Grand Cayman Blue Anole" - any size/sex
• Anolis garmani "Jamaican Anole" - any size/sex
• Anolis gorgonae "Gorgona Blue Anole" - any size/sex
• Hydrosaurus pustulatus, Hydrosaurus celebensis, Hydrosaurus microlophus "Giant Sailfin Dragons", - CB any size/sex

• Cameroon Chameleons (Trioceros montium, T. crostatas, and Chamaeleo quadricornis) - any size/sex

• Morelia azurea pulcher "Green Tree Python" (Sorong type) - Healthy CB well-started babies to adults Especially looking "high blue" individuals and females.

• Morelia azurea pulcher "Green Tree Python" (Manokwari and Jayapura types) - Healthy CB well-started babies to adults Especially looking "high blue" individuals and females.

• Morelia azurea utaransis "Green Tree Python" (Cyclops Mountains type) - Healthy CB well-started babies to adults Especially looking "high blue" individuals and females.

• Morelia spilota variegata "Irian jaya carpet python", High-contrast morphs only , Healthy CB well-started babies to adults Especially looking for females.

• Uromastyx spp. - any size/sex
• U. acanthinura (African)
• U. aegyptia - sub-adult male 14"-16"
• U. alfredschmidti
• U. dspar flavifasciata
• U. leptieni
• U. macfadyeni (Somali)
• U. microlepis (Arabian)
• U. nigriventris (Moroccan)
0.1 U. ocellata - adult female
• U. occidentalis
0.1 U. o. ornata - sub-adult female
• U. o. philbyi (Arabian)
• U. saara Hardwicki (mainly India)
• U. saara Asmussi (Iran)
• U. saara Loricata (Iraq)

Dry goods: 72"x36"x36", 48"x24"x24", 36'x24'x24', 36'x24'x18', and 2'x2x'2' PVC,"Reptile Habitat", Showcase, Boamaster, Vision, and Zen Habitat enclosures along with Zen habitat stand, and spacers.

* Offering Trade or store credit for your stock. In some cases, cash may be an option.
Use our contact page to let us know want you have on this list to trade or sell .:

* Do NOT send private messages using this website. Just put your questions in the comments section of the order form linked above.

Terms of Service: Live Arrival Guarantee. Purchase price must be over $50. You must accept the package on the first delivery attempt. The temperature at your locality must be over 40F and below 90F for delivery. Issues with shipment must be reported to me via (email, phone, whatever) within 4 hours of receipt. Etc. Refund Policy: To receive a refund, you must (take pictures of the DOA with a pin in the animal and/or ship the DOA back to me at your own cost, etc) Refunds will (only be given in store credit, be the same as paid, etc). Shipping cost will not be refunded. Etc.

* Do NOT send private messages using this website. Just put your questions in the comments section of the order form linked above.

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