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Time has caught up with me - the spiders have to go


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Tarantula Club Member
Malton, UK
You can advertise them in the classifieds on this site.
I have recently been in the same situation and know what a hard decision this has been for you. If you can keep 2-3 favourites to ease the pain.

Casey K.

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Tarantula Club Member
If you're willing to ship, I'd take them off your hands. Just give me your list, sizes, species, sex, price.


New Member
United Kingdom
We are based in the UK. We are looking for a Martinique Pink Toed tarantula. If you have one please let us know. We are based in Kent. Never owned a tarantula before but have the terrarium from our praying mantis that died of old age and researching what is needed and care. Would love to adopt one from you.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Wishaw, Scotland
We are based in the UK. We are looking for a Martinique Pink Toed tarantula. If you have one please let us know. We are based in Kent. Never owned a tarantula before but have the terrarium from our praying mantis that died of old age and researching what is needed and care. Would love to adopt one from you.
Any reason it needs to be a Caribena Versicolor? With these I think you're best getting them as slings as they totally change as they grow looks very cool.


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Wishaw, Scotland
They looked pretty but we open to any pink toed. Wanted the pretty colours. The blue is also stunning. Do they keep their colours?
None of them are as colourful as the C. Versicolour they start off an electric like blue then get the reds and pinks as it grows. The other pink toes are Avicularia species they start out with some really nice colours but all end up pretty dark colours of blues and purples. I wouldn't say any of these are a great beginner species though as you're better getting used to the Tarantula husbandry 1st the pink toes can be sensitive to moisture and ventilation. Best starting out with something new world and terrestrial like something from the Grammostola genus or Brachypelma. I always advise on either G. Pulchra, G. Pulchripes, B. Hamorii or the Aphonopelma Chalcodes or Henzi. You said it was a Preying mantis enclosure so obviously arboreal but can it be layed on its back and used as terrestrial. Also if you do decide to get a sling keep in mind Even a Tarantula like the Lasidora Parahybana that gets to 9+ inches is less than 1cm as a sling so it won't be going in any big enclosure so probs best starting with Juveniles. A lot to think about.


New Member
United Kingdom
We own snakes and a crested gecko so know the ins and outs of humidity etc. That is not to say that we know anything about caring for a spider. We are researching and learning all we can before getting anything.


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3 Year Member
We own snakes and a crested gecko so know the ins and outs of humidity etc. That is not to say that we know anything about caring for a spider. We are researching and learning all we can before getting anything.

For Caribena versicolor slings, you want to provide TONS of cross ventilation, an always full water dish, and dry substrate. If you keep them too humid they will die.


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3 Year Member
If you can get access, AMAC boxes work the best for Avicularia and Caribena slings. If not, small deli cups work. Not from the UK so not totally sure of your options.

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