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Pre molt question


New Member
So I think my T. Albopilosis is in premolt. It's not eating, very lethargic (usually when I open the cage it scurries a bit but right now it just sits there), refusing food, big shiny butt, seems like all the signs I've heard of. This is the first molt I've gone through so my question is how long does this usually take? It's been about a week so far, maybe a week and a half. I keep a water dish in there and spray occasionally so it doesn't get dehydrated, its also of course burrowed but it did make a little viewing window so I can see it perfectly. Looks healthy enough, I don't see a molt mat yet, should it be laying one soon? Any advice would be great, thanks!


Active Member
Bristol, UK

I went through my first molt at the start of October. I was so nervous. But now I’ve had six go. Honestly, your spider will not follow the rules. Some of mine did not look in pre-molt and still molted. Some of mine looked like a giant water balloon and waited another two weeks. I have one sling which looks like it’s about to explode and yet it still ate something the other day. Sluggish is a good sign.

The molt mat can literally be a last minute thing, a few threads or nothing at all. The best sign is them being on their back but not everyone did this especially if they burrow. I will say it took anywhere from an hour to quite a few hours for the spider to build up the necessary blood pressure to start the molting process so when it does flip, don’t be surprised if it lies there stock still for hours. It’s fine. I just kept them at a good temperature, always topped up the water bowl. Even cramped spaces can manage a molt, my pumpkin patch molted inside its coconut quarter.

You may just come down one morning and it will have molted, a few of mine have done that. Sounds like everything is fine. It’s an anxious wait though, that first molt.

Tarantula Trooper

Active Member
3 Year Member
How big your T Albo is can determine pre molt periods, molting time etc. If you have a sling it's not long! For matured and juvies it will be longer! My T Albo started pre molt behavior over a year before she finally molted! Would refuse food for a month or 3 then maybe eat a cricket! When she did finally molt was pleasantly reminded just how beautiful T Albos are! Underrated beauty in my opinion! Stark black with dem long golden hairs!! What a stunner .Lol.