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*** Ken The Bug Guy *** -- Full List!


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New Import Planned - April 2nd.

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Acanthoscurria brocklehursti -.25 inch $25.00
. Acanthoscurria geniculata - Giant White Knee - .5 inch $25.00
. Acanthoscurria geniculata - Giant White Knee - 3 inch Female $150.00
. Acanthoscurria insubtilis 1.75 inch $29.99
. Acanthoscurria natalensis 4 inches+ $100.00
. Acanthoscurria natalensis 4.5 inches+ Female $140.00
. Acanthoscurria Sp. - Bolivia - 2.5 inch $60.00
. Acanthoscurria suina - 3" Female $149.99
. Aphonopelma bicoloratum - Mexican Bloodleg .25 inch $49.99
. Aphonopelma chalcodes - 3 inch+ - Unsexed $35.00
. Aphonopelma chalcodes - 4 inch - Female $65.00
. Aphonopelma chalcodes - Arizona Blonde - 3 inch+ Male $45.00
. Aphonopelma iodius .25 inch $10.00
. Avicularia aurantiaca 1 inch+ $50.00
. Avicularia laeta 2.5" Female $179.99
. Avicularia urticans - Peruvian Pinktoe .5 inch $25.00
. Brachypelma albopilosum - Curlyhair - 1 inch $20.00
. Brachypelma boehmei - Mexican fireleg - 1.25 inch $40.00
. Brachypelma emelia - Mexican Redleg - Male - 2.5 inch $99.99
. Brachypelma emilia - Mexican Redleg - 1.25 inch+ $60.00
. Brachypelma emilia - Mexican Redleg - 1.75 inch $75.00
. Brachypelma emilia - Mexican Redleg - 2 inch Female $150.00
. Brachypelma Sabulosum - Guatamalan Red Rump - .25 $20.00
. Brachypelma smithi - Mexican Red Knee - 2 inch $75.00
. Brachypelma smithi - Mexican Red Knee - 2 inch Female! $130.00
. Brachypelma smithi - Mexican Red Knee - 2 inch Male $49.00
. Brachypelma vagans - Mexican Redrump - 1.5 inch $34.99
. Caturimi argentinensis .25+ inch $39.99
. Caturimi argentinensis 1 inch $65.00
. Caturimi argentinensis 1.5 inch Female $149.99
. Ceratogyrus darlingi- East African Horned Baboon .5 inch Special Price: $9.99
. Ceratogyrus darlingi- Horned Baboon 2.5"+ $49.99
. Ceratogyrus hillyardi 1 inch+ - NEW SPECIES $124.99
. Ceratogyrus hillyardi 2 inch NEW SPECIES Female $299.99
. Ceratogyrus marshalli - .5 inch $19.99
. Ceratogyrus marshalli - 2.5 inch $49.99
. Ceratogyrus marshalli - Female - 4 inch+ $99.00
. Ceratogyrus sanderi - Sandy horned baboon .5 inch $50.00
. Chilobrachys Andersoni 1.75 inch $29.99
. Chilobrachys Dyscolus 5 inch Female - $100.00
. Chilobrachys fimbratus - Indian Violet - .5 inch $29.99
. Chilobrachys fumosus .75 inch - RARE $50.00
. Chilobrachys sp. South Vietnam "blue" .5 inch $49.99
. Chilobrachys sp. Vietnamese Blue .25+ inch $60.00
. Cithacanthus spinicirus- Cuban Cinnamon 3 inch $60.00
. Coremiocnemis sp. Kualu Kota Bahru 1 inch+ $100.00
. Coremiocnemis tropix 1 inch $40.00
. Cyclosternum sp. ex. Caqueta .25 inch $39.99
Cyclosternum sp. ex. Caqueta .25 inch Learn More
. Cyriocosmus chicoi - Brazilian Dwarf Tiger Rump - .5 inch $75.00
. Cyriocosmus elegans - 1/8 inch Trinidad Dwarf $25.00
. Cyriocosmus Perezmilesi Tiger Rump Female .25 inch $49.99
. Cyriocosmus ritae - .25 inch $25.00
. Cyriopagopus sp. Sulawesi black .5 $95.00
. Cyrtopholis portoricae - Puerto Rican Pygmy .25 $15.00
. Encyrocratella olivacea 1.25 inch - Rare and Beautiful $125.00
. Encyrocratella olivacea 2 inch -RARE and Beutiful $220.00
. Ephebopus cyanognathus - Blue Fang .75 inch $39.99
. Ephebopus cyanognathus - Blue Fang 2 inch $99.99
. Ephebopus rufescens - Giant Brown .5 inch $40.00
. Euathlus sp red .25 inch $29.99
. Euathlus truculentus 3" $60.00
. Eupalaestrus campestratus Pink Zebra Beauties .5 inch $24.99
. Grammostola Pulchripes - Chaco Golden knee - 4" - Female $199.99
. Grammostola Pulchripes - Chaco Golden Knees - .5 inch $19.00
. Grammostola rosea - Chilean Rose - 3+ inch $20.00
. Grammostola rosea - Chilean Rose/Rose Hair - .5 inch $10.00
. Grammostola sp Conception 3 inch+ $29.99
. Hapalopus sp. Columbia - Pumpkin Patch - .25 inch $45.00
. Hapalopus sp. Columbia - Pumpkin Patch - 1 inch $120.00
. Hapalopus sp. Columbia - Pumpkin Patch - 1.5 inch $150.00
. Hapalopus triseriatus .25 inch $99.99
. Haplopelma longipes - Tiger .75 inch $39.99
. Haplopelma vonwirthi - 1.25 inch $40.00
. Harpactira curvipes - SUPER rare - 1.25 inch $85.00
. Harpactira guttata - RARE! .5 inch $49.99
. Hemiercus inflatus .75 inch - NEW $40.00
. Heteroscodra maculata - Togo Starburst Baboon - .75 inch $24.99
. Heterothele gabonensis .5 inch $150.00
. Heterothele villosella - .5 inch $30.00
. Heterothele villosella - 1 inch+ $59.99
. Holothele incei - Gold! - .5 inch $65.00
. Holothele incei - Trinidad Olive .5 inch $24.99
. Holothele Tachira 1.25 inch $29.99
. Holothele Tachira 2+ inch $60.00
. Hysterocrates gigas - U Tawney Red Baboon - .5 inch+ Special Price: $9.99
. Hysterocrates gigas - U Tawney Red Baboon - 1.5 inch $39.99
. Idiothele mira 3 inch Female $399.00
. Idiothele Mira Blue Foot .75 inch - RARE! $124.99
. Iridopelma sp. recife .5 inch $45.00
. Kochiana brunnipes .75 inch $30.00
. Lampropelma nigerrimum 1.5 inch $79.99
. Lampropelma Violaceopes - Singapore Blue - juvie 3"+ $99.00
. Lasiodora itabunae 1.5 inch $39.99
. Lasiodora itabunae 2.5 inch $80.00
. Lasiodora klugi - Bahia Scarlet - 2.5 inch $59.99
. Lasiodora parahybana - Brazilian Salmon Pink - .5 inch $9.99
. Lasiodora parahybana - Brazilian Salmon Pink - 1.5 inch+ $39.99
. Lyrognathus crotalus .5 inch $49.99
. Lyrognathus robustus 1.5 inch $49.99
. Metriopelma familiare 1+ inch $70.00
. Metriopelma ledezmae 4 Inch Female $200.00
. Metriopelma sp. Barinas 1.75 inch $45.00
. Metriopelma zebratum 3.5+ female $160.00
. Monocentropus balfouri 1 inch+ $124.99
. Neostenotarsus sp Suriname .25 inch $109.99
. Neostenotarsus sp. French Guiana 1 inch $75.00
. Nhandu chromatus - White Striped Birdeater - .5+ inch $29.99
. Nhandu chromatus - White Striped Birdeater - 3 inch $59.99
. Ornithoctoninae sp. Koh 1.25 inch $49.99
. Pamphobeteus fortis 4" Male $99.00
. Paraphysa parvula Chilean Gold Burst 3 inch $59.99
. Paraphysa scrofa - Chilean Copper 2.5 inch - Female $49.00
. Paraphysa sp Chilean Pygmy Red 1.5 inch+ $49.99
. Pelinobius muticus - King Baboon - Female 5 inch+ $249.00
. Phlogius Crassipes 3 inch $55.00
. Phormictopus auratus 1.5 inch $45.00
. Phormictopus cancerides - Haitian Brown - 3"+ $50.00
. Phormictopus cancerides - Haitian Brown - Female - 3.5 inch $70.00
. Phormitopus atrichmateus 5 inch+ $99.00
. Plesiopelma longisternale 1.5 inch $69.99
. Plesiopelma sp. Bolivien 1.25 inch $65.00
. Poecilotheria fasciata - Sri Lankan Ornamental - 1.75 inch $49.99
. Poecilotheria fasciata - Sri Lankan Ornamental - Female - 3 inch + $120.00
. Poecilotheria hanumavillasumica .75 inch $89.99
. Poecilotheria metallica - Gooty Ornamental 1 inch $175.00
. Poecilotheria Ornatas - Fringed Ornamental - Female - 3.5 inch $119.99
. Poecilotheria Ornatas - Ornamental - 2 inch $49.99
. Poecilotheria pederseni - Ghost Ornamental - .75 inch $24.99
. Poecilotheria rufilata - Redslate Ornamental - 1 inch $44.99
. Poecilotheria rufilata - Redslate Ornamental - 2 inch $54.99
. Poecilotheria Smithi 2 inch+ $99.99
. Poecilotheria Smithi 4.5 inch Female $450.00
. Poecilotheria Striata - Mysore Ornamental - .75 inch $29.99
. Poecilotheria Subfusca HIGHLAND - Ivory Ornamental - .75 inch $49.99
. Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 1.5 inch $39.99
. Poecilotheria tigrinawesseli 5 inch+ - Female! $199.99
. Psalmopoeus cambridgei - Trinidad Chevron - 1 inch Special Price: $15.00
. Psalmopoeus cambridgei - Trinidad Chevron - 2.5 inch+ $49.99
. Psalmopoeus irminias - Venezuelan Suntiger - .75 inch $30.00
. Psalmopoeus langenbucheri .5 inch $45.00
. Psalmopoeus reduncas - Orangemouth Tree Spider .5 inch $39.99
. Psednocnemis brachyramosa use to be Coremiocnemis - Malaysian blue femur .5 inch $39.99
. Pseudhapalopus sp Blue Rump .25 inch $54.99
. Pseudhapalopus sp. Antioquai .25 inch $40.00
. Pterinochilus lugardi - Dodoma Baboon - 1.5 inch+ $39.99
. Pterinochilus murinis - Orange Starburst Baboon - 1 inch+ $15.00
. Schizopelma sp Vere Cruz 1"+ $100.00
. Selenobrachys Philippinus - Filipino Orange - .75 inch $39.99
. Selenocosmia dichromata New Guinea Black .5 $45.00
. Selenocosmia dichromata New Guinea Black 2.5 + inch $90.00
. Selenocosmia effera 3+ inch $90.00
. Sericopelma melanotarsum - 3 inch Female $150.00
. Sericopelma Sp. Venzula 3 inch Female $90.00
. Stichoplastoris sp. Costa Rica 3 inch $100.00
. Tapinauchenius latipes 1.25" $55.00
. Theraphosa strimi (blondi) - Goliath Bird Eater burgandy 4"+ MALE $69.99
. Thrigmopoeus sp. Incia 1.25 inch $29.99
. Thrixopelma ockerti Peruvian Orange Rump 2 inch $40.00
. Vitalius Dubius - 4"+ female $100.00
. Vitalius Dubius - 4"+ Male $60.00
. Vitalius paranaensis - .5 inch $35.00
. Vitalius paranaensis - 3+ inch $100.00
. Vitalius paranaensis - 3+ inch Female $130.00
. Xenesthis immanis - 1 inch+ $79.99

. Androctonus amoreuxi - Yellow Fat Tail - body 1 inch+ $40.00
. Babycurus jacksoni - Sub/Adult $29.99
. Bothriurus Dumayi $29.99
. Bothriurus Keyserlingi $22.00
. Brachistosternus castroi Red Form - Sub Adults $29.99
. Brachistosternus Castroi Red Form Adults $34.99
. Brachistosternus chilensis $29.99
. Brachistosternus Negrei $29.99
. Brachistosternus Sp. $20.00
. Centruroides Gracilis - Caribbean Dusky Scorp - Florida species $16.00
. Emperor Scorpion - Pandinus imperator $14.00
. Hadogenes troglodytes - Flat rock $40.00
. Hadogenes troglodytes - Flat rock - CB Babies! $9.99
. Hadrurus Arizonensis - Giant Desert Hairy - body size 1 inch+ $19.00
. Hottentotta trilineatus - 3 line scorpion $19.99
. Leiurus quinquestriatus hebreus - Egyptian deathstalker - Adult $60.00
. Ophistothalmus glabrifrons $29.99
. Ophistothalmus walberghi - Tri Color Scorpions $19.99
. Opisthacanthus CF Madagascariensis sub/adult $39.99
. Parabuthus Liosoma - African Black Tipped Scorpion - Mid to Adult $29.99
. Paruroctonus boreus - Northern Scorpion $10.00
. Paruroctonus silvestrii Sub/adult $10.00
. Rhopalurus crassicauda - Black Tail Rhopalarus .75" body $50.00
. Rhopalurus crassicauda - Black tail Rhopalurus $45.00
. Serradigitus Gertschi Striatus Sub/Adult $10.00
. Smeringurus mesaensis - Dune scorpion - Sub/adults $14.00
. Smeringurus mesaensis - Dune scorpion - younge still $9.00
. Smeringurus vachoni sub/adult $16.00
. Tityus Stigmurus CB Babies 3 - 4 instar $24.99
. vaejovis confusus Sub/adult $8.00
. Vaejovis spinigerus - Hoffmannius - Striped Devil Scorp $8.00
. Vejovis cashi Sub/adult $18.00

. Ethmostigmus sp - Blue leg centipede $34.99
. Hemiescolopendra chilensis - Super Blue! $45.00
. Hemiscolopendra marginata Florida Blue $16.00
. Rhysida longipes $15.00
. Scolopendra alternans - Florida Giant Centipede $18.00
. Scolopendra morsitans - Tanzania Tiger Centipede Special Price: $15.99
. Scolopendra Subspinipes de haani $49.99

. Cryptoglossa variolosa- Iron Clad beetles $15.00
. Neocarabus Taedatus Agassii $10.00

. Archispirostreptus gigas - African Giant - Sub/Adult MALE Special price $85.00
. Trigonllius corallinus - Florida Scarlet Millipedes $8.00

. *Sandwich Size zip lock of roach food $5.00
. 10 Madagascar Roach Nymph $15.00
. 10 Madagascar Roach Sub/Adult $25.00
. 2 Hissers, Small Critter keeper - dirt, egg crate, food $19.99
. 5 lot Madagascar Roach Sub/Adult $15.00
. Blaberus Giganteus - Giant Cave roaches - Adults $8.00
. Blaberus Giganteus - Giant Cave roaches - Nymphs $4.00
. GIANT Hissers - These guys grow 25% larger - Nymph $10.00
. Madagascar Hissing Roaches - Sub/Adult $8.00

Tailless and whip scorpions
. Damon Diadema - Giant Tailless Whip - Broken Limbs will grow back $24.99
. Mastigoproctus giganteus - Giant Vinegaroon $45.00
. Mastigoproctus giganteus - Giant Vinegaroon - Missing Tail - Grows back $35.00
. Paraphrynus mexicanus - Desert Tailless Whip Scorpion $20.00

Other Spiders
. Acanthogonatus pissii 2.5" Special Price: $19.99
. Ariadna arthuri - Arthur's Tube Web Spider $20.00
. Atropothele socotrana .75 - RARE and NEW $99.00
. Cyclocosmia sp Poss Ricketti - Turret Trap $80.00
. Dresserus sp - African Velvet CB Juvies $20.00
. Gorgyrella sp - Red Trap Door $20.00
. Gorgyrella sp. - African Black Trap door $18.99
. Latrodectus geometricus - Brown Widow - Mid Size - Captive bred $10.00
. Latrodectus hesperus western widow - Mid size -Captive Bred $10.00
. Latrodectus Mactans - Black Widow - mid size Captive Bred $10.00
. Latrodectus Sp Chile $14.99
. Linothele curvitaris 1.75 inch $75.00
. Loxosceles sp Chile $14.99
. Paratropididae sp. Columbia 1 inch - Related to tarantula $60.00
. Scytodes sp Chile - Chillean Spitting Spider $19.99
. Sicarius sp Six Eyed Sand Spider - CB Babies $19.99
. Sparassidae sp - Tanzanian Huntsman Spider $19.99
. Steatoda grossa $8.00