Definitely a femaleHe/she is a Chilobrachys natanicharum. If you can tell, how can you tell?
View attachment 74494 View attachment 74495
Definitely a female
Here's a good guide on sexing molts!! How can you tell?
Here's a good guide on sexing molts!
You can tell by the presence of the spermathecae, the dark flap sticking up in the middle of your photo
You can clearly see the spermatheca (female reproductive organ that stores the sperm)Definitely a female
you can clearly see the spermatheca (female reproductive organ that stores the sperm. have a good explanation of a female tarantulas reproductive systemThanks! How can you tell?
Congratulations, it’s a girl!He/she is a Chilobrachys natanicharum. If you can tell, how can you tell?
View attachment 74494 View attachment 74495