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Hapalopus sp Columbia large

Lawrence b

Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Paired my Hapalopus sp Columbia large MM and Af last nite . The male spent ages luring her out I think he got an insertion but couldnt see properly, seen the female feel her under side . Just wondering how long the males stay fertile for , he mature about July time so dont know if asking to much of him. Got another male moulted month after him, but he is a bit smaller might put him in tomorrow or is this to soon ?


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
I think they stay fertal. It is just a mater of more or less. If you would like to pair again I would give it about a week. That said im talking from resurch. I have had no succeful mating atempent yet. JUst one and it failed to produse a sac.

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