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Casey K.

Well-Known Member
1,000+ Post Club
3 Year Member
Tarantula Club Member
Hello everyone. I have a few spiders to part with. Hope all is doing well and it's nice to be able to interact with all of you again. For some of you that are new or don't know me, please feel free to check my reviews here in the forum. Happy shopping! Thank you so much for your interest and have a wonderful day! Photos available upon request!

Sub adult female B. emilia- $200

Sub adult female T. ockerti- $150

Adult female A. chalcodes- $150

1.5-2" well started N. chromatus- $45

2+" well started C. cyaneopubescens- $100

3" highly suspect female P. sazimai- $125

Sub adult female H. pulchripes- $175

3+" suspect female L. parahybana- $75

MM O. sp. Quezon Blue- FREE (just pay shipping and send a few slings if breeding is successful)

TOS: LAG on express shipping only (as long as there are no delays with the courier and box is not damaged during transit). Hold for pickup at location is available but not required. Shipping quotes are given per zip code. Prices subject to change because these are quotes and although they are close to shipping costs some prices may change upon actual shipping. I will take picture of receipt for shipping costs and present them upon shipping your package for verification of tracking. SIGNATURES REQUIRED ON ALL PACKAGES!!! Two-three day shipping is for summer months only! I do not ship 2-3 day during winter months. Must be present upon arrival of package and must inform me of any issues within 1 hour of pickup/delivery. If at any point package returns to courier facility for any reason, LAG is void and no refund given. Not responsible for any outcome due to courier delays and no refunds given for such. In event of DOA due to lost/delayed/stolen package, LAG is void and no refund given. I am not and will not be held responsible for lost/stolen packages. Once the tracking number says "delivered", I consider your package delivered and you have received your stock. In event of DOA and my TOS are followed, I will refund purchase price only. I do not refund shipping costs for any reason. If replacement is in stock I will not issue a refund. If replacement(s) are given due to DOA, buyer must pay shipping for replacement or no replacement will be given. Must present a video of you opening package. Any DOA will require proof by putting a pin in the abdomen or through the carapace. If my TOS are not followed for any reason listed, LAG is void and no refund given. Thank you all for looking! :)

Payment: PayPal (friends and family only), Venmo, Zelle, Cashapp
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