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Female M. Balfouri Needed (Virginia Beach)


New Member
3 Year Member
He just molted two days ago, while today i noticed his palpal emboli. His blue color hasn't set in much but im hoping he becomes vibrant over the next few days of recovery.

I am looking for a fresh female to mate him with. I am in the Virginia Beach area and do not have any current outlets of finding a match for him at my disposal. If any of you could direct me to a site that can facilitate this process, it would be much appreciated. Id be willing to part with some off spring if things work out. :)

Thanks in advance.
M Balfouri male1.jpg
M Balfouri Male2.jpg


Well-Known Member
3 Year Member
Are you checking the date's on these post it been past a year! are you a scammer???

Yes their a scammer,there's a thread in the for sale section where they've already scammed a member on here.....