I now live in Taiwan, and I have 3 Ts (Tliltocatl Albopilosus, Pterinochilus Murinus, Harpactira pulchripes), 1 baby emperor scorpion and a 1 six-month old crested gecko. Right now, Most of them fit on a lowish side draw with the exception of Spartacus (A rescue adult Tliltocatl Albopilosus). The space their enclosures share are good for now, and I have been shopping for some shelving units or swing door cabinets to give them more room (thinking ahead for when they all grow to adult size).
However last night, a 6.0 earthquake hit 170KM away from my location. I felt some 0-5 second shaking, but nothing too violent since I only caught the ripple effect and wasn't living near enough to the earthquake's centre. After the first shake, I immediately placed all the enclosures onto the floor so if there were any more shakes, the risk of toppling over could be stopped (or reduced in Pingu, my crestie's case).
This got me thinking that if I buy dedicated shelving/cabinets for the enclosures, are there any methods of protecting the enclosures to reduce the risk from the enclosures falling off the shelves/cabinets? I can believe there is no 100% way to fully protect them from something like this if the shaking from an earthquake is strong and violent enough, but if there's some kind of guard rail to place at the rims of shelves or cabinets, this could prevent smaller shaking and quakes from inching the enclosures to the shelves/cabinet's edge where gravity could take its toll to the floor. I just wouldn't know how to begin searching for shelves/cabinets like this (regarding the terminology used to find soemthing useful for this situation).
if anyone has any creative ideas, I'd be very grateful and can consider them when I buy the shelving/cabinets.
I now live in Taiwan, and I have 3 Ts (Tliltocatl Albopilosus, Pterinochilus Murinus, Harpactira pulchripes), 1 baby emperor scorpion and a 1 six-month old crested gecko. Right now, Most of them fit on a lowish side draw with the exception of Spartacus (A rescue adult Tliltocatl Albopilosus). The space their enclosures share are good for now, and I have been shopping for some shelving units or swing door cabinets to give them more room (thinking ahead for when they all grow to adult size).
However last night, a 6.0 earthquake hit 170KM away from my location. I felt some 0-5 second shaking, but nothing too violent since I only caught the ripple effect and wasn't living near enough to the earthquake's centre. After the first shake, I immediately placed all the enclosures onto the floor so if there were any more shakes, the risk of toppling over could be stopped (or reduced in Pingu, my crestie's case).
This got me thinking that if I buy dedicated shelving/cabinets for the enclosures, are there any methods of protecting the enclosures to reduce the risk from the enclosures falling off the shelves/cabinets? I can believe there is no 100% way to fully protect them from something like this if the shaking from an earthquake is strong and violent enough, but if there's some kind of guard rail to place at the rims of shelves or cabinets, this could prevent smaller shaking and quakes from inching the enclosures to the shelves/cabinet's edge where gravity could take its toll to the floor. I just wouldn't know how to begin searching for shelves/cabinets like this (regarding the terminology used to find soemthing useful for this situation).
if anyone has any creative ideas, I'd be very grateful and can consider them when I buy the shelving/cabinets.