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US Adult female T's at theinvertshop.com


New Member
Gold Hill , Or
I have raised all of these from tiny slings in hopes of having a breeding program but have since decided not to, so they are for sale.
I have multiples of each. Prices are shipped via usps priority with a live delivery guarantee. In the event of a DOA, I will replace or refund.
B. emelia $225
B. albiceps $250
B. Hamorii $225
M. balfouri $250
Bumba cabocla $150
C. darlingi $80

I will be adding more shortly.
I also have large amounts of dubia and 9 species of Madagascar hissing roaches and various other roach species on my website.

Payment is made via paypal, you can also order roaches from the website, tarantulas are not yet on the site.

If you have any questions I will gladly answer them,
Dave theinvertshop.com
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