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Trochosa ruricola mold rehouse

Trochosa ruricola mold rehouse

A mold outbreak in the previous enclosure caused me to have to rehouse this little juvenile into this enclosure which is probably better for the species anyway. I even made a burrow for her/him
poor guy
I bet he is happy in his new enclosure! Where'd you get him?
(Yes, I am assuming it's male considering the near-impossibility of finding the gender of araneomorphs)
@GermanGamer7 to me it is suspected female (males show signs of their gender fairly soon, larger palps at an early age and what not) but it is wild caught like all my wolf spiders. The species does very well in captivity however. My adult females have most likely been alive for longer than they would have in the wild thanks to me. My male definitely has. I caught him mature and he is still alive a year later.
@GermanGamer7 I saw the media of the one you thought was one of that is what you are talking about. I think it is a male wolf spider. You could keep one if you like, I have 5 :D they are less friendly than tarantulas but they can’t climb the walls unless when the lid is open they might be able to reach over the side of the substrate is high enough when the lid is open
@Kaden Alexander No thanks, I like to leave spiders I found in the wild be, I think about what it would be like if I were one and some giant stuck me in a cage. Anyway, thanks so much for the identification! Since it’s almost summer, I’ll be getting a lot more photos.

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