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That video killed me. Especially after reading all the stuff online where people were actually arguing over the pronounciation!! Lol
Lol yes! Ta-leal-toe-cattle....Teh-li-lo-catl...Tleal-o-cato...aye!! The first phonetic pronunciation is the correct way to say it....I think o_O. It means "black spider". Sheesh lol. Try saying Tliltocatl albopilosum 5 times fast! :D
Lol yes! Ta-leal-toe-cattle....Teh-li-lo-catl...Tleal-o-cato...aye!! The first phonetic pronunciation is the correct way to say it....I think o_O. It means "black spider". Sheesh lol. Try saying Tliltocatl albopilosum 5 times fast! :D

I cheat. I just say T albopilosum!

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