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T. seledonia

T. seledonia

so after almost wetting myself laughing at this 2cm little thing actually giving me a threat posture,!!!...I managed to get a pic before it went back in to its little funnel.
I'd have loved to have seen her throwing that hissy fit :) why do you think she went into threat mode?
I'd have loved to have seen her throwing that hissy fit :) why do you think she went into threat mode?
that's easy.... I opened her flap (top of the funnel) and poked her with a wooden skewer to tease her out. That's what probably made her grumpy...ROFL
that's easy.... I opened her flap (top of the funnel) and poked her with a wooden skewer to tease her out. That's what probably made her grumpy...ROFL

I 'm glad you clarified what flap you opened lmao ;):) ps I don't like the new emojis. The one poking out it's tongue looks really pervy, or is it just me? Lol

I 'm glad you clarified what flap you opened lmao ;):) ps I don't like the new emojis. The one poking out it's tongue looks really pervy, or is it just me? Lol
that's just you. got to be one to recognise one!

Media information

Phil's Ts in 2019
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Image metadata

samsung SM-G960F
Focal length
4.3 mm
Exposure time
1/803 second(s)
File size
2.7 MB
Date taken
Wed, 18 September 2019 8:50 PM
4032px x 3024px

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