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tarantula happy dance

  1. setsunadiava

    Tarantula happy dance

    She does this little happy dance after she gets her food and it’s freaking adorable. And I’ve learned my lesson, no flash, she’s more of a dark knight kind of girl.
  2. J

    Tarantula dancing

    I don't know how else to describe it. She is 15 years old. She recently moulted and since then has started dancing on the substrate in her pen. I thought she might be digging or just moving it around but the best can i describe it is fluffing up the surface with all eight legs moving quickly but...
  3. TokeHound

    Tarantula Happy Dance

    I watch a gentleman on YouTube who cares for many Tarantulas, and some of his do the happy dance after they catchy their prey. My T's are all slings and so far, have not done the happy dance. Is it something that usually adult T's do? Are certain species known more for doing it than others? I...